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Grupo de Restauración Ecológica (IPE-CSIC)


Current members of the team

Paola Monguilod

JAE Intro Researcher

Biophysicist. Currently doing her TFM on the impacts of invasive species on human health.

University of Zaragoza. 2023.

Past members of the team

Vanessa Céspedes
Dr Vanessa Céspedes
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Postdoctoral Researcher

Aquatic ecologist. Working in the InvasiBES project looking at the impacts of Pomacea spp. and Callinectes sapidus in the Ebro Delta

Giovanny Pérez

Master student

Master project: Evaluating the impacts of invasive species on the provision of ecosystem services in Europe.

U. Autónoma de Madrid. 2020/2021

Calificación: 9.5

Victoria Ferrer

Graduate student

Trabajo de Grado: Exotic Invasive Species in Spanish National Parks: evaluation, trends and proposals for action.

U. de Zaragoza. 2016/2017.

Calificación: 7.5

Cecilia Español

PhD student

PhD dissertation: Biodiversity conservation in large regulated river-floodplain ecosystems.

U. San Jorge. 2009/2015.

Calificación: Sobresaliente cum laude

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Luis Vila

Master student

Trabajo de Master: Evaluación de la influencia humana sobre la distribución de especies invasoras en Europa mediante SIG.

U. de Zaragoza. 2015/2016.

Calificación: 8.7

Esperanza Jarauta

Graduate student

Trabajo Fin de Grado: Distribución potencial de cinco especies invasoras
de la familia Formicidae en escenarios actual y de cambio climático en la Unión Europea.

U. de Zaragoza. 2015/2016.

Calificación: 9

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Dr Laura Jiménez
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Postdoctoral Researcher

Paleolimnologist. Working in the InvasiBES project looking at the impacts of Pomacea spp. and Callinectes sapidus in the Ebro Delta

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Víctor Martínez

Research Assistant

GIS specialist. Working in the InvasiBES project analyzing the overlap between invasive species and ecosystem services in Europe. 

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Rubén Calvo

Undergraduate student

Trabajo Fin de Grado: "Impacts of invasive alien species on the ecosystem services of the Lower Ebro River".

University of Zaragoza 2019/2021

Calificación: 8


Ecological Restoration Group


Avda. Montañana, 1005

Zaragoza, 50.059


Phone: (0034) 976369393 ext. 880035

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If you are interested in joining our little family, please get in touch!


Si te interesa formar parte del equipo, ponte en contacto!

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